以上是P7508 D3的详细信息,包括P7508 D3厂家代理联系方式、PDF参数资料、图片等信息!
测试探头 Repair service coverage 3 years (includes product warranty period); 3 year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase
测试探头 Repair service coverage 5 years (includes product warranty period); 5 year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase
测试探头 Calibration Service 3 Yrs. Provides traceable or functional verification events whichever are applicable to the Product. Cals are at Tektronix recommended interval during the coverage period.
测试探头 Calibration Service 5 Yrs. Provides traceable or functional verification events whichever are applicable to the Product. Cals are at Tektronix recommended interval during the coverage period.