


Vacuumschmelze New Products Added 03/2013 Vacuumschmelze (VAC) VITROPERM®Cores Learn More Added 03/2013 Vacuumschmelze (VAC) Current Sensors Learn More Added 03/2013 Vacuumschmelze (VAC) VITROPERM®Common Mode Chokes Learn More Vacuumschmelze Featured Products Vacuumschmelze Current Sensors Vacuumschmelze (VAC) Current Sensors utilize amorphous field detector technology which makes the sensor more accurate and also improves linear performance with changes in temperature. The main function of the Current Sensors from VAC is measuring currents from DC up to high frequencies (approximately 200kHz).  These sensors contain a galvanic separation between the primary circuit and the output signal (e.g. according to EN 50178 or EN 61800) and typical currents range from a few amperes up to several hundred amperes full range.  Some sensor types can measure more than 1000 ampere peak current.  The accuracy of the VAC current sensors lies in the range of <1% of the nominal current.  The VAC-invented measuring principle of the closed-loop sensor with magnetic probe as a zero field detector is distinguished by maximum precision of the current detection.  The detected currents range from 6 Arms to 700 Arms. Order Now Learn More Vacuumschmelze VITROPERM®Cores Vacuumschmelze (VAC) VITROPERM® Cores are manufactured with a tape wound nanocrystalline material that features higher permeability when compared with ferrite cores.  VITROPERM permeability ranges from 25,000 to over 100,000 compared to 5,000 to 15,000 for ferrites.  The high permeability of the nanocrystalline core material achieves superior characteristics at low and middle frequencies, as well as in the high frequency range when an optimized winding arrangement is selected. The VITROPERM Cores from VAC are enclosed in a plastic casing that is suitable for direct winding and offers good mechanical protection of the nanocrystalline core material, allowing the best magnetic properties and highest permeability levels to be maintained.  VITROPERM cores are available with different AL-levels for many core sizes. Common mode chokes with toroidal tape wound cores of VITROPERM allow the effective attenuation of asymmetrical and conducted high frequency noise. Order Now Learn More Vacuumschmelze VITROPERM®Common Mode Chokes Vacuumschmelze (VAC) VITROPERM® Common Mode Chokes are manufactured with a tape wound nanocrystalline material that offers a permeability range of 25,000 to over 100,000 when compared to ferrite permeability that ranges from 5,000 to 15,000. The VITROPERM Common Mode Chokes from VAC offer several advantages, including small size, reduction of filter designs from two or three chokes to a single choke, high efficiency (low power loss due to less copper windings required), high operating temperature compared to ferrite, no operating noise, low weight and volume, better shock and vibration when compared to ferrite, and linear performance over temperature range. These chokes are suitable for high currents and/or high voltages. Order Now Learn More Vacuumschmelze Resources & Support Resources Mouser's Vacuumschmelze Catalog Pages Vacuumschmelze Website RoHS Information Quality Statement Press Room Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Materials Design Skills for Common Mode Chokes Applications
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点击查看T60006L2160V074参考图片 T60006L2160V074 VACUUMSCHMELZE NANOCRYSTALLINE CORE, 160X130X25
参数:VACUUMSCHMELZE|盒|-|在售|磁环|-|-|6.571(166.90mm)|28 μH|-|无缺口|-|-|-|456|274|-|-|无涂层|1...

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